Yoko Mizutani I don't support war but I have mixed feelings on this matter. The US
wants no more Americans both inside and outside of the US get killed by
terrorists. At the same time, this is a country calling for democracy and
freedom, it cannot shut out immigrants. So I think the world should be
working on the strategy to assure such acts of terrorism would never happen
again, not only to Americans but for other people as well. In that sense,
Northeast Asian Grand design is offering the measure to prevent N. Korea
to collapse or be isolated and go for the radical measure.
うみ 「無制限の査察受け入れ」では無かった以上、「国連決議に対する明確な違反」と受け取ることの方が自然だと思いますが。事実確認はもう少し丁寧にやった方がよろしいのではないかと思います。